SKYLINE™ is Chicago's flagship large piece commercial laundry folder series with the longest list of standard features in the industry. This line of laundry folders is available in 120" and 136" length models. Each machine can have 1 or 4 or more lanes of primary folding and up to 3 crossfolds with optional sorting stackers. Skyline commercial laundry folders offer a streamlined CHI panel electronic control, an extra-wide crossfold bed, and the elimination of encoder measuring wheels and mechanical clutch / brake mechanisms. This makes Skyline the industry's most advanced folder / crossfolder series suitable for commercial, linen supply, hospitality, or health care laundries. The Skyline folders are now produced with fully automatic operation and the ability to vary timing, air pulse, and other parameters to assure peak performance on today's diverse range of items, sizes, and weights.The standard CHI•Touch PC-based touch screen control is the simplest and most complete set-up, operating, managing, and diagnostic software in the industry.
Built-in small piece processing options include a choice between the Aircumulator or the Trio Rotary Accumulator draping bar systems. Both use simple air power to hold and direct small pieces over draping bars and are attached to rear of Skyline, so no additional floor space or utility connections are required. The Aircumulator allows unfolded flat pieces (such as napkins or pillowcases) to be draped over a single bar so that one operator can efficiently handle 4, 5 or 6 lanes of small pieces. The Trio three bar draping accumulator automatically advances each bar when pre-selected number of items is reached and provides extra storage of finished bundles and allows additional time before accumulated items need to be removed by operator. Both options include a counter for each lane and audible signal when each stack is completed.
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